o Start Freescale Special Edition CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers o Select File -> New -> Project... then on the "Select a Wizard" screen, select "Bareboard Project" and click "Next". Alternatively, select File -> New -> Bareboard Project. o On the "Create an MCU Bareboard Project" screen, both a "Project name" and a "Location" are specified. First, ensure that the "Location" is correct. In particular, if you have installed CodeWarrior under a VM, please ensure that the "Location" path is in the file system created for the VM, not in the host OS's file system. If you intend to use this same "Location" path for all of your CodeWarrior projects, then select the "Use default location" check box. Enter a "Project name" and click "Next". o CodeWarrior does *not* work correctly with Windows-style network share (also known as UNC, or Universal Naming Convention) double backslash file paths and filenames. These are file paths such as \\Computer\directory and filenames such as \\Computer\directory\file. Instead, use non-network share style names such as C:\directory and C:\directory\file. It is always possible to create a new non-UNC-style path mapping using the File Explorer. Start the File Explorer and in the left pane, select This PC. Select the Computer tab and click on Map network drive -> Map network drive. In the Drive list, select any letter that is listed. In the Folder box, type the path to the desired computer or folder, or use Browse to navigate to the desired computer or folder. Remember to select "Reconnect at sign-in" if that feature is wanted. Then, select Finish. o On the "Devices" screen, under "Device or board to be used", select the "Kinetis K Series" -> "K7x Family" -> "K70F (120MHz) Family" -> "MK70FN1M0". Under "Project Type / Output", select "Application". Click on "Next". o On the "Connections" screen, to use the built-in OSBDM, select "P&E USB MultiLink Universal [FX] / USB MultiLink" and click on "Next". To use the Segger J-Link EDU, select "Segger J-Link / J-Trace / SWO (SWD based)" and click on "Next". If you want to be able to use either OSBDM or J-Link to program the processor and to debug code running on the processor without having to rebuild your project, then it is possible to select both connections. o On the "Language and Build Tools Options" screen, under "Language", select "C". Under Floating Point, select "Hardware (-mfloat-abi=hard) vs. (-fp vfpv4)". Under I/O Support, select "No I/O". Under "ARM Build Tools", select "GCC". Click on "Next". Note: To use any function in the debug console I/O library to perform input or output from or to stdin, stdout, or stderr (including printf, fputc, putchar, getchar, etc.), select "Debugger Console" rather than "No I/O". o On the "Rapid Application Development" screen, under "Rapid Application Development", select "None". Under "Start with perspective designed for", select "Use current perspective". Click on "Finish". o In the "CodeWarrior Projects" pane, expand the project to see "Project_Headers", "Project_Settings", "RAM", and "Sources". Expand the "Sources" entry. Right click on "main.c" and select "Delete". On the next screen, confirm the deletion. o To add .c source files into the project, right click on "Sources" and select "Add files...". Navigate to the files that are to be part of this project, select them, and click on "Open". Select either "Link to files" or "Copy files" and click on "OK". o To add .h header files into the project, right click on "Project_Headers" and select "Add files...". Navigate to the files that are to be part of this project, select them, and click on "Open". Select "Copy files" and click on "OK". There seems to be a bug in CodeWarrior that doesn't allow it to access header files through a link. o Select Project -> Build Project. The keyboard shortcut Control-B will perform a Project -> Build All.